Dreamwork in Chartres

Register at: Ubiquity University, Venus Rising-Pilgrimage to Chartres

From the moment the Wisdom School arrived at Chartres, dreams of a particular quality began to come to participants. We had no container in which to receive these nocturnal messages so created a circle based in Dr. Colorado’s Oneida tradition. In Musica, the fourth Liberal Art celebrated at Chartres, a remarkable transformation occurred. An unregistered person showed up carrying a five foot long monochord and a woman’s organizational developer (who did glyphing) introduced the elements of sound and illustrating, like the ancient indigenous practice of painting significant dreams on rocks. When we added music and glyphing of dreams to our Circle with protocols of invocation (purifying with cedar smoke, prayer and deep listening to shared dreams) an innovative, collective, place based and powerful dream ceremony had manifested.

In the ensuing decade, we have come to see that the Chartres Dream Ceremony enfolds and recreates community in the present and through time. Ancient spirits of the land – Sequanna, goddess of the river Seine, Tiranus, god of thunder and indigenous leaders of old continue to make themselves known and to be remembered. Co-dreaming by multiple participants dreaming the same dream synchronistically and the composite narrative shared in a video at the end of the week, spark healings (sometimes immediate), bring comfort, release pain and are often predictive.

We have learned that Chartres Dreamwork is a living process that grows and evolves with each iteration. Joining the circle, sharing a dream or snippet of a dream will help bring us closer to the sacred hill, to each other and the communal, holistic, sustainable, way of knowing and being our Ancestors lived.

Dreamers convene each morning in this on-site dream ceremony, greeted first by prayer and chant. We share dreams with others who deeply listen in silence; there is no side talk or analyzing. Dreams are scribed, glyphed (drawn) and audio recorded, so that the dream team can meet at the end of each day to look for emergent patterns and narratives in this collective process. At the conclusion of each session, the dream team gives a presentation back to the dreamers for discussion.

We encourage you to join the Dream Circle on days of your choosing and for a length of time that works for you and become a part of an unfolding Chartrean mystery. Watch video about the Dreamwork in Chartres.

We also recommend purchasing Apela Colorado’s Journal des Reves here to record your dreams and reflections.

Requirements for enrolled degree students to earn 4 Credits:

Required Reading/Watching:Watch video about The Chartres Academy 

Choose three of the following books for your course reading:

  • Apela Colorado, Woman Between the Worlds

  • Eve Ensler (V), The ApologyVagina MonologuesIn the Body of the World

  • Andrew Harvey, Return of the Mother

  • Jaqueline Lewis, Fierce Love

  • Rene Querido, The Golden Age of Chartres

End of course essay regarding the learnings in this course using APA style.

  • For BA students – 6-9 pages in length

  • For MA students – 10-15 pages in length

  • For PhD students – 20-25 pages in length

Your paper should be focused on one or more aspects of the relationship between apology, reconciliation and healing during the regeneration of love, weaving together content from the lectures, discussions, artistic activities, reading materials and your experiences related to the entire course. Artistic work is welcome to supplement your paper.

All papers must be written to the APA standard and demonstrate the “subject/object synthesis” — we want students to demonstrate command of the content of the course, and we want students to demonstrate how they have been affected by what they have learned, how the content has informed their spiritual or personal development. We welcome all forms of artistic expression as part of the student’s paper.

The rules guiding our assignment collection and grading process can be found here: Ubiquity University Grading Policy

Pricing (this fee is for registration only and does not include travel and accommodations):

  • BA Level: $1,200

  • MA Level: $1,600

  • PhD Level: $2,000

  • Audit-No Credit: $1,400

Questions: Please do not email faculty directly with any technology or registration issues. If this is your first time purchasing from us, or you need a refresher, we suggest you review our tutorial How to Purchase a Course. If you do not have a user account, you will be required to create one upon your initial purchase. Save your username and password as you will need it to login to access course materials later and to make purchasing faster in the future. If you need technical assistance you can use the chat button located at the bottom, left-hand side of the screen and you can also email our Registrar, Veronica Saldias at registrar@ubiquityuniversity.org.


July 2-8, 2023 Chartres Dreamwork


July 8, 2021. Chartres Dreamwork